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Anti-Wrinkle Secrets For A Lifetime of Smoother Skin
With advancements in science, there is a lot of information available which throw new light on anti wrinkle secrets. They are considered a secret as many people are not aware of these simple facts. These solutions help prevent and reduce wrinkles which are a sure sign of aging or just plain neglect.
Aging causes the elastin fibers inside the surface of the skin to deplete. Elastin is responsible for giving the skin elasticit, and allows it to stretch.
Due to this depletion and lack of moisture, the firmness of the skin is greatly reduced and the outermost layer of the skin starts to fold, producing wrinkles.
Although the formation of wrinkles is a natural process of aging, anti wrinkle secrets will help to prevent them until a highly advanced age, and even reduce their occurrence. There are many ways to reduce wrinkles, and some include medical treatments and even surgery.
These methods are not discussed here as they can cause dangerous side effects and cost a lot of money. Formation of wrinkles is more pronounced on the face as the loose skin forms indentation in places where there is constant movement of the facial muscles.
Anti wrinkle secrets mainly deals with making your skin healthy, and retaining its youth for a longer time.
Anti Wrinkle Secrets
Proper Skin Care
We often forget to take care of our skin, and you must realize that skin can get stressed, and age faster, when it is not in good shape. Here are a few important aspects of proper skin care –
• Cleansing: The first step towards proper skin care is to keep it clean. The exposed layer of the skin will pick up all sorts of dirt and pollutants from the environment, and this surface film needs to be cleansed.
Use a mild soap or cleansing agent that is hypoallergenic, and has a proper pH balance. This will remove dirt effectively without stripping your skin of the acid mantle that defends your skin against microorganisms.
• Exfoliating: Dead cells of the skin usually shed automatically, but sometimes there is an unhealthy build-up, which needs to be cleared with an exfoliating scrub.
• Moisturizing: Many external and internal factors tend to rob the skin of its natural moisture and make it dry. To counteract this dryness a moisturizer suitable for your skin type should be used regularly.
Skin Protection
Always protect your skin from the sun. According to studies by skin specialists around the world, it has been conclusively proven that sun exposure is the main reason for wrinkles.
Even among twins sharing same hereditary characteristics, the sibling who kept away from the sun developed fewer wrinkles compared to the other who was constantly exposed.
If you cannot avoid going out in the sun then it is wise to put on sunscreen with adequate SPF. It will not only prevent wrinkles, but also reduce the risk of getting skin cancer.
Stop Smoking
Different studies have proved that smoke from cigarettes can cause the skin to age faster. According to research, cigarette smoke contains an enzyme which is responsible for breaking down elastin and collagen in the body.
Although this research is considered controversial due to stakes of the smoking lobby, it is one of the main items amongst anti wrinkle secrets.
Get Proper Rest and Sleep
Depriving your body from getting proper sleep causes excess production of the cortisol hormone which is responsible for breaking down skin cells. On the other hand, adequate rest produces adequate human growth hormone that is responsible for keeping your skin firm and thick.
Proper Nutrition and Healthy Eating Habits
Have a nutritious diet that is rich in antioxidants, which are mainly found in vegetables and fruits. Antioxidants are compounds that prevent and repair damage induced by free radicals. This will keep your skin young and protect it from aging effects.
Omega-3 and other fatty acids are the building blocks of skin cells and hence you should include foods rich in these fatty acids. Various fishes, especially salmon are good sources and they will provide good nourishment keeping the skin young and plump.
Certain foods known to reduce sun damage and photoaging should also be included in your diet.According to research, soy not only protects the skin but also heals it from damages of photoaging. Cocoa is known to be rich in important flavanols that are responsible for improving circulation amongst skin cells and provides hydration that protects against skin damage from the sun.
Avoid all types of unhealthy food, especially junk food, which bring down the overall health of the body, and induces your body to age faster.
Natural Treatments for Wrinkles
Apart from a healthy nutritious diet which takes care of internal factors, there are different natural topical treatments that can prevent wrinkles. Topical vitamin C is known to increase production of collagen and forms a protective layer against UVB and UVA rays that cause damage to the skin.
As per studies, Vitamin C in the form of L-ascorbic acid is highly effective in treating wrinkles.
For increasing the softness and suppleness of your skin, application of almond oil is considered an effective treatment. You can generously apply this oil on your face and neck in upwards strokes, and leave it overnight.
Another effective treatment is the application of a mixture of ripe papaya pulp and olive oil. This has to be massaged into the skin, left for about half an hour, and rinsed off. This treatment will not eradicate wrinkles, but prevents existing wrinkles from becoming worse.
Choose Your Cleansing Products Carefully
Although cleansing is an important regimen in keeping your skin healthy, you should choose your products wisely. Many cleansers and soaps are too harsh on the skin and can cause allergic reactions, or strip your skin of natural essential oils and moisture. Always opt for mild cleansers that use natural ingredients, and make sure it contains some sort of moisturizer.
These anti wrinkle secrets reveal facts that are well researched and tested. Preventing wrinkles need not be a costly affair, and can be effectively done by following the above guidelines.
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